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Employees Provident Fund

Every Company have to apply for Employees Provident Fund code who have more than 20 employees we will help you as per following Fees inclusive of generation of UIN for employees on the PF website

  • Upto 20 employees - INR 10000
  • 21 to 50 employees - INR 20000
  • 51 to 150 employees - INR 30000

What is Employees Provident Fund?

Companies which have employee strength of 20 or more are required to be registered with PF Department however any Company who wants to apply voluntary for PF registration can apply if they have 10 or more employees.

The capacity of 20 includes contract employees like housekeeping, security or other contractual workers in the business.

Registration has to be done within One month from the date of hiring 20 employees.

Any delay may result in a penalty.